Troubleshooting the IBM Endpoint Manager integration for software deployment

The following information can help you troubleshoot the IBM Endpoint Manager integration for software deployment.

Make sure that the SSL certificate of the IBM Endpoint Manager server is imported into WebSphere Application Server

To check whether the certificate is imported, log in to the WebSphere® Application Server administrator console and go to SSL certificate and key management > Key stores and certificates > CellDefaultTrustStore > Signer certificates. Look for an entry for the IBM Endpoint Manager server host name and make sure that the certificate is valid and has not expired.

Make sure that the end point is configured

Ensure that the end point in IBM® Control Desk is updated with the correct URL, user id, and password. The following problems can result in an SSL handshake error:
  • the certificate is not imported properly
  • the user id and password are not correct
  • there are firewall issues

Make sure that the IBM Endpoint Manager fixlet id is accurate

Make sure that the Deployment task tab in IBM Control Desk specifies the correct IBM Endpoint Manager fixlet id for software that you are deploying. In addition, if the site is not the Master Action site, a siteid or sitename is required. To verify that the deployment is configured correctly, go to the Software Catalog application and review the software that you are trying to deploy.

Make sure that the assets are deployed assets

Make sure that the assets are deployed assets and that you promoted the deployed assets after you imported them from IBM Endpoint Manager. Otherwise, you get the error: Unable to get the deployed asset for one or more assets specified.

Make sure that the escalation is activated.

Make sure that the escalation is activated. Otherwise, the deployment status is not checked, and the workflow is active with an active assignment.

Make sure that the jython.jar is extracted into a directory on the server

Make sure that the jython.jar is extracted into a directory on the server, for example C:\jython directory. If you use a different directory, ensure that the property pmsc.iem.jythonlib is updated. If not, you get the error: nameError: httplib not found.

Use the AssetManagement logger to debug for license-related problems

If you experience license related errors (license allocation, reservation, availability), you can enable logging to help determine the problem. To enable logging, complete the following steps:
  1. Go to System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Logging.
  2. Set the log level of the AssetManagement logger to DEBUG, and make sure the Active check box is selected.
  3. Save the settings and click Apply Settings.
  4. Recreate the problem. Debugging details can be found in the log file for the application server.
