Checklist for IBM Endpoint Manager integration

This checklist is a high-level road map of tasks you need to complete to integrate IBM® Control Desk with IBM Endpoint Manager to provide deployable software offerings.

Table 1. Checklist for integrating IBM Endpoint Manager with IBM Control Desk
Check icon Step Action Description
Checkbox icon 1 Install and configure IBM Endpoint Manager. For information about installing, see the installation documentation for IBM Endpoint Manager for Lifecycle Management in IBM Knowledge Center.

Ensure that the Client Configuration dashboard and the Manage Distribution Packages dashboard are set up.

Checkbox icon 2 Install and configure IBM Control Desk. For information about installing IBM Control Desk, see Installing Control Desk.

Cloud customers must work with the hosting team to set up IBM Control Desk.

Checkbox icon 3 Install and configure Integration Composer. On-premises customers: Integration Composer can be installed when you install IBM Control Desk.

Cloud customers must work with the hosting team to install Integration Composer.

Checkbox icon 4 Using Integration Composer, import data from IBM Endpoint Manager into IBM Control Desk. For detailed information, see Importing deployed asset data into IBM Control Desk with Integration Composer for IBM Endpoint Manager integrations.
Checkbox icon 5


Populate the Software Catalog application in Control Desk by importing the software catalog data that is provided by the Software Knowledge Base Toolkit To populate the Software Catalog, perform the following tasks:

For detailed information about importing software catalogs, see Importing the software catalog directly from IBM.

Checkbox icon 6 Set up the Jython library. For detailed information about setting up the Jython library, see Setting up the Jython library.
Checkbox icon 7 Promote the deployed asset data that you imported to authorized assets. Because software is assigned to authorized assets, you must promote the deployed asset data that you imported into IBM Control Desk to authorized assets before you can provision the software.

For detailed information about promoting deployed assets to authorized assets, see Promoting computers to assets.

Checkbox icon 8 Configure IBM Control Desk for the integration with IBM Endpoint Manager. In the Endpoints application in Control Desk, configure connectivity to the IBM Endpoint Manager server.

For detailed information, see Connecting IBM Control Desk to IBM Endpoint Manager.

Checkbox icon 9 In Control Desk, create software offerings for the software that you want to deploy. Create and publish offerings for the software that you want to deploy. For detailed information, see Creating and publishing software offerings.
Checkbox icon 10 Verify that software offerings can be deployed as expected. After you completed the preceding steps, you can request the software, and it will be installed on the computer that you specified.

To test whether the integration works properly, go to the Self Service Center and select a software offering that you published. Then check that the offering was deployed on the computer as expected.

Checkbox icon 11 Deploy licensed software to your assets. IBM Control Desk includes the following service offerings that you can use to deploy licensed software to your assets:
  • Deploy Licensed Software to Multiple Assets
  • Deploy Multiple Licensed Software to a Single Asset
  • Re-image an asset
For more information, see License deployment offerings
