[Optional] Modifying your mapping expressions

If appropriate, you can modify your mapping expressions to suit your business needs.

About this task

If you install Integration Composer using a language other than English, you must change the langcode property in any adapter mappings that you create. You might want to make other modifications, such as to adjust units of measurement, to add site or organizational information, or other changes.

The default value for the langcode properties in the mappings included with this adapter is English. You must change the langcode property in any adapter mappings that you create to the appropriate language for your installation. You effect this change by modifying the actual CI or CI type mapping after you import the mapping into Integration Composer.

If you use a language other than English, you must change the following properties:

Table 1. The langcode properties in CI type and actual CI mappings.
Mapping Class.property
CI type Classstructure.Langcode


actual CI Actual CI.Langcode

Actual Target CI.Langcode


You must replace the "EN" value in the langcode properties with the appropriate literal value for your installation, for example "FR" (including the quotation marks) for French. The following values are available:

Table 2. The values for langcode properties.
Language Code Language
DE German
ES Spanish
FR French
IT Italian
JA Japanese
KO Korean
NL Dutch
PT Portuguese
SV Swedish
ZH Simplified Chinese
ZHT Traditional Chinese
