ImportIDML tool usage
The ImportIDML tool is used to import IdML formatted data into Control Desk, through Integration Composer. The tool is called from the Integration Composer command line.
Adding the Control Desk database password
When you install Integration Composer, you specify the URL for the Control Desk database and the user ID that is used to connect to the database. The values that are specified are maintained as the following properties in the file:- mxe.db.url=
- mxe.db.user=
The database password must also be specified in the Integration Composer Home\bin\ file as the TARGETPWD value.
Optionally, you can use the encryptExecuteMappingProperties command to encrypt the properties file, as shown in the following example:
Command syntax
The ImportIDML tool is run from the /bin directory, under the Integration Composer root directory.
importIDML -f<filename> -c<prefix> -p<prefix> -s<customer>
Parameter | Description |
-f<filename> | Required unless the -c option is specified. The name of the IdML file to import. A full path to the IdML file can be specified. If a full path is not used, the file that is specified must exist in the Integration Composer Home/data/Idml directory. |
-c<prefix> | Optional. Delete Actual CIs whose ACTCINUM attributes start with the prefix that is specified. |
-p<prefix> | Optional. Prefix for ACTCINUMs that is used when the objects are created. |
-s<customer> | Optional. The primary customer name to set for each Actual CI that is created. This parameter is used only with IBM Control Desk for Service Providers. The tool does not check to verify that you installed IBM Control Desk for Service Providers. Customer values are added to the database table, but they are not used unless you install IBM Control Desk for Service Providers. |
-d | Optional. This option deletes attributes on any actual CIs if the attribute is no longer defined for the classification that is associated with the actual CI. Deletion affects any actual CIs; it is not limited to Actual CIs loaded by the loader. This routine can affect performance. Use it only if necessary. |
-r | Optional. This option deletes attributes from the set of Actual CIs that are being imported if the attribute is not specified for the actual CI in the IdML file. |
Syntax example
importIDML -fITNM.xml -pITNM- -sIBM
All error messages, debug statements, and trace records are written to the Integration Composer Home/log/fusion.log file. Because the log files roll over and you risk losing important information, preserve the information for analysis by piping the output to a file, for example importIDML -fITNM.xml -pITNM_ -sIBM 1> ITNMLog.out.