Logging NRS-related events
You can view information about NRS-related events in the fusion.log file, which you can find at the location <InstallDir>\log\fusion.log.
This file provides information about actions taken when duplicate deployed assets are found. In addition total NRS counts are logged at the end of the mapping.
The following logger in the Integration Composer logging.properties file determines the level of information provided for NRS-related events:
By default, this logger is set to INFO. You can change the setting if you want a higher level of information, such as DEBUG.
NRS logger
There is an NRS-specific log file, dis%u.consolidate, that provides information about the NRS process. Both log and trace information are recorded in this log file. The log file is saved in the following location:
When the log file is written, the %u characters are replaced with a number that identifies the log file.
By default, the logging properties file is set to SEVERE and configured to provide minimal information. If you want additional information, you can edit the logging properties file, which is found at the following location:
Additional logging levels include: WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, and FINEST.