Integration Composer and integration identifiers

Integration Composer is instrumental in the creation of the integration identifiers. When processing data for a deployed asset, Integration Composer passes as many values as possible to the Naming and Reconciliation Service (NRS). NRS uses these values to create an integration identifier for the deployed asset.

NRS creates integration identifiers for computers, network printers, and network devices. For NRS purposes, network printers and devices are processed like computers. However, they have an additional property, a function, that identifies them as a network printer or network device. Network printers have the function printer, and network devices have the function router.

Properties are included in the Integration Composer adapter mappings to facilitate creation of NRS integration identifiers and alias integration identifiers. Do not modify these properties.

The following table describes the Integration Composer properties that are used to determine integration identifiers for computers.

Table 1. NRS naming rules for computers
Priority DPA Property Name Property Description
0 Nrssignature The primary IP address (static) or, if there is no IP stack, then SNA_HOST
1 Nrsmanufacturer





Serial number

2 Nrssystemboarduuid System board UUID formatted (use getUUIDFormattedString(str) method)
3 Nrsprimarymacaddress Primary MAC address
4 Nrshostsystem


Integration identifier of parent of VM (virtual machines only)

Unique ID of VM (virtual machines only)

5 Nrsmanagedsystemname The name used by the OMEGAMON and IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) products to uniquely identify the agent that manages a specific resource.
6 Nrsmanufacturer






Serial number

Unique ID of VM (virtual machines only)

The following table describes the additional properties that are used to determine integration identifiers for network printers and network devices.

Table 2. Additional NRS naming rules for network printers and network devices
Priority DPA Property Name Property Description
0 *** This property is not displayed in the schema, but it is required for the naming rule. Integration Composer uses the mapping expressions for the NRS properties that are listed in the previous table to generate a value for this property internally. The value is actually an integration identifier for the instance as if it was computer. This integration identifier is considered as the parent property. NRS uses the parent property and the Nrsname property to generate integration identifiers for network printers and network devices.
1 Nrsname For network printers and network devices, the value in this property is the name of the instance, for example, myRouter123.

After integration identifiers are created, Integration Composer uses the integration identifiers to determine whether a deployed asset exists in the target database.

When Integration Composer processes data, it compares the NRS attributes of the database record with the NRS properties of the instance that is being processed.

If the deployed asset does not exist, Integration Composer inserts a new record, including the integration identifier.

If the existing deployed asset matches the deployed asset that is being processed, but the data for the asset being processed is newer than the existing data, Integration Composer updates the alternate key values in the existing deployed asset data along with the rest of the properties. Deployed assets are considered a match if NRS determines that their NRS properties have the same value for one or more naming rules. For example, the signature value is the same for both deployed assets.

If a match is found and there is an integration identifier conflict (that is, the same integration identifier exists for both the existing deployed asset and the one being processed), then the existing deployed asset and the associated child assets are deleted. The newly imported deployed asset is added, including the integration identifier.
