Creating an incident
You create an incident record to document a deviation from an expected standard of operation. Incident records might be created automatically from sources such as email, system monitoring tools, or external applications.
About this task
When resolving an incident, the goal of the agent is to restore service to a customer as soon as possible. After creating the incident record, you can investigate potential solutions. When you have identified a solution, you can record it on the incident. If resolving the incident involves creating a service request, incident, problem, or work order, you can create it directly from the incident record. You can also relate existing records to the incident.
An incident record can be created using two methods:
- The minimalist method is to initially only include the essential incident-relevant information, and update the incident record with more details at a later time.
- The complete method is to include all incident-relevant information when the incident record is first created.
Note: The instructions provided for the minimalist method of
creating an incident assume that the New Incident dialog window is
provided in your Incidents application. Your administrator might have
disabled this dialog, or your installation might disable it by default.
If this dialog is not displayed, you supply all of the information
for the Incident in the Incident tab.