Viewing and modifying Person Group availability
Use the Group Availability tab in the Person Groups application to view a person's availability to work on an incident. The Group Availability tab shows calendar breaks and non-work time (vacation, personal, general, sick leave) for each person in the group.
Available time is displayed in blue and non-available time is displayed in white on the Group Availability.
If there is a reason for the unavailable time, a reason code is displayed, for example: NON-WORK, VACATION, SICK, and so on. An administrator can modify a person's availability in the Person application using the Modify Person Availability action.
If an organization calendar or shift is not specified for a person in the person group, then they are considered to be 'always available'. The group availability calendar will show their available time in blue. Calendar breaks and shift breaks are reflected as non-working time in the calendar view. From the Group Availability tab you can easily go to the Person application to modify calendars, shifts, and person availability.