Configuring the cron task for Asset Discovery for z/OS imports

Before you import the software catalog from the software knowledge base, in the Cron Task application in Control Desk, specify the parameters for connecting to the Asset Discovery for z/OS® server and the schedule for importing the data.

About this task

Complete the following steps to configure the cron task instance for importing software catalog data from Asset Discovery for z/OS.


  1. Click Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Cron Task Setup.
  2. On the record list in the Cron Task Setup application, select TAD4ZCATALOGIMPORT, the cron task for importing data from Asset Discovery for z/OS.
  3. In the Cron Tasks Instances table on the Cron Task tab, expand the row for the TAD4ZCATALOG cron task instance.
  4. In the Schedule field, click Set Schedule and specify a schedule for importing software catalog data from Asset Discovery for z/OS.
  5. On the Parameters subtab, expand the row for the PARTIALRUN parameter.
  6. In the Value field, type 6 for Asset Discovery for z/OS catalog imports.
  7. On the Parameters subtab, expand the row for the TEMPDIR parameter.
  8. In the Value field, specify the working directory from which the integration framework will retrieve the software catalog data to import. The operating system user running the application server must have read and write permissions for this directory. Back slashes in Windows paths must be escaped (for example, C:\\temp\\) or replaced with forward slashes. Trailing slashes should be included. Relative paths will be resolved in the context of the current directory for the application server.
  9. On the Parameters subtab, expand the row for the TEMPFILE parameter.
  10. In the Value field, specify the name of the temporary file for the software catalog data exported from Asset Discovery for z/OS. Before data can be imported, an administrator must save the file that is exported fromAsset Discovery for z/OS into the temporary directory. The file must be unzipped. An extension of .xml is suggested.
  11. Click Save Cron Task Definition.
