Specifying a sequential queue
By default, the enterprise services defined for asset disposal imports specify the use of a continuous queue. To use a sequential queue, you must enable the cron task for sequential queues. You perform this task in the Cron Task Setup application.
About this task
Complete the following steps to specify a sequential queue for importing asset disposal data into Control Desk.
- Click .
- On the record list in the Cron Task Setup application, select the JMS Sequential Queue Consumer cron task (JMSQSEQCONSUMER).
- On the Cron Task tab in the Cron Task Instances table window, select the SEQIN cron task instance.
- In the SEQIN cron task instance, select the Active check box.
- In the Cron Task Instances table window, select the SEQOUT cron task instance.
- In the SEQOUT cron task instance, select the Active check box.
- After you have selected the required check boxes, click Save Cron Task Definition.