Logging parameters
Log file configuration is important because the log files provide a way to verify that the cron task parameters have been entered correctly.
By default, the TloamSwkbtCronTask logger is configured to INFO level for the TloamSwKBT Cron Task. INFO level will show http interactions and the duration for each transformation and file load. For more detail, in the Logging application in Control Desk, set the logging level to DEBUG.
You can also obtain more information about processing the files through the integration framework by setting the integration logger to INFO or DEBUG level. Do not leave the integration logger at DEBUG level for regular processing because recording that much information interferes with performance. The integration logger will only provide information about how messages were processed after they were retrieved from the JMS queues.
The file appender used by the logger is mapped to the file SwKBT.log. The location of this file on your operating system varies depending the working directory of your application server. You can specify a path for this file in the Logging application, using the Set Logging Root Folder action. Log files will appear in the folders \maximo\logs in the path that you specify.