Data flow from Asset Discovery for z/OS

Software catalog data exported from Asset Discovery for z/OS® is imported into tables in Control Desk.

The following table describes the flow of data from Asset Discovery for z/OS into Control Desk.

Table 1. Asset Discovery for z/OS to Control Desk data flow
Canonical xml file elements Transformed file Control Desk tables
Manufacturer Manufacturers.xml DPAMMANUFACTURER
Relationship SwRel.xml TLOAMSWREL
Link SwVariant.xml TLOAMSOFTWARE
SoftwareKnowledgeBase SwCatalog.xml TLOAMSWCATALOG

Data is inserted and updated by manufacturer name and GUID (globally unique identifier) lookups in the order specified in the preceding table. The GUIDs in the knowledge base and the XML file correspond to the unique identifier in the TLOAMSOFTWARE table.

There is a single record in the TLOAMSWCATALOG table, which has a unique identifier (tloamswcatalogid) of two (2). When the cron task completes the import, it records the most recent database version of Asset Discovery for z/OS here as its final step.
