Cron task instance parameters for Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS catalog imports

Control Desk includes a cron task, TAD4ZCATALOGIMPORT, for importing software catalog data from Asset Discovery for z/OS®. It also includes a predefined cron task instance that specifies parameters required for importing software catalog data.

The following table describes the parameters in the TAD4ZCATALOG cron task instance defined for importing software catalog data from Asset Discovery for z/OS.
Table 1. Cron task instance parameters for Asset Discovery for z/OS
Name Value Comment
PARTIALRUN 6 This parameter functions as a bitmap. You configure the PARTIALRUN parameter to specify which steps the cron task will process. Enter the sum of the following numbers to restrict processing to the steps required:
  • 2 – XSL transformations in temp directory
  • 4 – Loading files through enterprise services
For Asset Discovery for z/OS, do not use a value of 1, 3, 5, or 7.
TEMPDIR C:\\temp\\ Specifies the working directory for processing software catalog data. The operating system user running the application server must have read and write permissions for this directory. Back slashes in Windows paths must be escaped (for example, C:\\temp\\) or replaced with forward slashes. Include trailing slashes. Relative paths will be resolved in the context of the current directory for the application server. On UNIX machines, the path must be configured appropriately, for example, /data/swkbt/.
TEMPFILE TAD4ZCatalog.xml Specifies the name of the temporary file for the software catalog data exported. The administrator saves the file that was exported from Asset Discovery for z/OS with this name into TEMPDIR. An extension of .xml is suggested.
