Cron task parameters for software knowledge base imports

Control Desk includes a cron task, SWCATALOGIMPORT, defined for software knowledge base catalog imports. It also includes a predefined cron task instance that specifies parameters required for importing the software catalog data.

The following table describes the parameters in the SWKBT cron task instance defined for importing software catalog data from the Software Knowledge Base Toolkit.
Table 1. Cron task instance parameters for Software Knowledge Base Toolkit
Name Value Comment
HOSTNAME localhost Host name or IP address of the Software Knowledge Base Toolkit server. If you use a cron task to import data from the Software Knowledge Base Toolkit server (that is, if the PARTIALRUN parameter is 1, 3, or 7), a text value for the host name is required. In some environments, a fully qualified host name is required to resolve the URL (for example, ‘' or ‘'). This field is not case sensitive.
PARTIALRUN 7 This parameter functions as a bitmap. You configure the PARTIALRUN parameter to specify which processes are performed by the cron task. Enter a numeric value to specify one of the following options:
  • 1: Import the file from the Software Knowledge Base Toolkit server.
  • 2: Transform the .xsl file in the temporary directory.
  • 3: Perform the following tasks:
    • Import the file from the Software Knowledge Base Toolkit server.
    • Transform the .xsl file in the temporary directory.
  • 4: Load transformed files into the database using enterprise services.
  • 6: Perform the following tasks:
    • Transform the .xsl file in the temporary directory.
    • Load transformed files into the database using enterprise services.
  • 7: Perform the following tasks:
    • Import the file from the Software Knowledge Base Toolkit server,
    • Transform the .xsl file in the temporary directory.
    • Load transformed files into the database using enterprise services.

Select options 1, 3 or 7 only if you publish a custom software catalog in Software Knowledge Base Toolkit and load the XML file from the Software Knowledge Base Toolkit server.

PORT 12344 Specifies the port number for the server on which you are running the Software Knowledge Base Toolkit. The default value for the port is 12344. If you use a cron task to import data from the Software Knowledge Base Toolkit server (that is, if the PARTIALRUN parameter is 1, 3, or 7), a value for the port number is required.
REPOSITORY fe8119f7532c44b7876754af95e7bc83 The default value specifies the database instance identifier of the Software Knowledge Base Toolkit catalog shipped by IBM. If you install your own instance of Software Knowledge Base Toolkit, replace this value in the cron task with your database instance identifier. This value is compared to the repository identifier obtained from the software catalog source to ensure that data is being imported from the correct repository. If you do not want to perform this check, you can leave the field blank.
TEMPDIR C:\\temp\\ Specifies the working directory for processing software catalog data. The operating system user running the application server must have read and write permissions for this directory. Back slashes in Windows paths must be escaped (for example, C:\\temp\\) or replaced with forward slashes. Include trailing slashes. Relative paths are resolved in the context of the current directory for the application server. On UNIX machines, the path must be configured appropriately, for example, /data/swkbt/.
TEMPFILE SwKBT.xml Specifies the name of the temporary file for the software catalog data exported. The integration framework receives the file and saves it in a zipped file using the name that you specify with a .zip extension. The integration framework unzips the file to the name specified. Both files are overwritten in subsequent imports. An extension of .xml is suggested.
