Continuous queue

On robust servers with multiple processors, using the continuous queue can yield quicker parallel processing for imported messages. In addition, by default the continuous queue allows for reprocessing of messages that encounter errors.

Message processing from the continuous queue must be enabled on the server for messages to be processed into the target tables. If errors occur because dependent data is not loaded, the messages can be tried again successfully after the dependency is loaded.

The Message Reprocessing application in the integration framework provides a view into messages from the continuous queue that encounter errors. In the parallel processing that occurs from the continuous queue, a certain number of errors can be generated because dependent records load before their antecedents. All of these records normally clear within a few minutes as dependencies are loaded and the system attempts to process the records again.

For example: During parallel processing, even though records are loaded in order, it is possible that a version record loads before the product record to which it refers. After the product is loaded, the version will be loaded on the second attempt.

Because temporary errors during processing are frequent, only certain kinds of administrative alerts for errors are helpful. Instead, it might be more useful to check the error destination periodically for messages that exceeded their timeout limit, especially after setup.
