Configuring organizations and sites

You can quickly configure organizations and sites using the Quick Configuration application.

Before you begin

Obtain the values for following parameters before running this configuration:

Property Property Name sample Property Value your actual Property Value
Org Description: SDA Organization  
Site Description: SDA Site  
Base Currency: USD  
Set ID: SET1  
Company Set ID: COMSET1  
GL Account: GLACCT  
Note: The currently logged in user must have the Users setting Can Access Inactive Sites? enabled, or an error might occur when configuring the organization. To verify this setting, go to the Users application (Security > Users) to view the setting for the current user. For the MAXADMIN and SDADMIN users, this setting is enabled by default.

About this task

You will accomplish the following actions by completing this task:

  • Create the specified objects, IDs, and descriptions and enable these for usage in Service Requests and other artifacts that reference organizations and sites.
  • Configure the structural changes needed in the database in order to store the General Ledger (GL) account code in various artifacts.

To configure organizational and site information, complete the following steps:


  1. Navigate to the Org and Site Configuration tab: Go to the Quick Configuration application (System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Quick Configuration) and click the Org and Site Configuration tab.
  2. Type the above Properties names, Property Values, and optionally Property Description.
  3. Click Submit and then OK to start the configuration. This may take a minute or two to complete.
  4. In the Structural Database Configuration window, click the Do you have a current backup? checkbox and then click Start Configuring the Database.
  5. You can watch the status of the database updates by clicking the Refresh Status button . Continue to click Refresh Status and look for the following message which indicates completion: BMXAA0577I - The database configuration is complete. You can view the log file to see the detailed status.
    Note: Be sure to allow this step to complete before doing additional configurations.


If there are problems applying the database changes (for example, not able to enter administrative mode), you can apply these changes at a later time by using the Database Configuration application: Go to System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Database Configuration. Select the Manage Admin Mode action in order to first enter administrative mode on the server and then Apply Configuration Changes in order to apply these settings.
