Configuration items CSV files
Understand the correct structure for a CSV file that contains CI data.
You can import only one type of CI per CSV file.
You can use a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel to create or edit your CSV file.
File header | CI type | Required CSV data | Common CI attributes, unique CI attributes, and relationships |
simpleci |
CI type |
MXCIImport |
Use AddChange by default. Add and Change are also supported. |
EN |
Common CI attributes |
Unique CI attributes (optional) |
CI relationship (optional) |
Data for common CI attributes |
Data for unique CI attributes |
Data for CI relationship |
- First row: File header
- For the file header, enter the following string: simpleci
- Second row: CI type
- This value specifies the CI type that you are entering using this CSV file. The CI type you enter here corresponds to a classification name or classification path value shown in the Classifications application. To determine the values that you can enter here, view a list of classification names and types in the Classifications application. Go to the Classifications application (Advanced Search and enter =CI in the Use With Object field. When the list of classifications is displayed, click a classification in the list and then click the Classifications tab to view the classification path. If the classification name value is unique, you can enter the classification name for the CI type. If the classification name is not unique, you must enter the classification path for the CI type. ), place the cursor in the Classification field and press Enter to view all classifications, or enter a string in the field to filter the list. The product provides a default set of classifications for CIs that have names starting with SCI. You can view these classifications by typing SCI in the Classification field and then pressing Enter. Another way to filter the list is to click
- Third row: Required CSV data
- These strings define the external system name, enterprise service,
action, and language. They are required for correct processing of
the CSV file. For the action, you can specify
Add, AddChange, or Change.
- Fourth row: Common CI attributes, unique CI attributes, and relationships
- This row defines the data that you want to enter for the CI type.
Each item on this row is a column name for the data that you input
on the remaining rows in the table. You enter three types of data on this row: Common CI attributes, unique CI attributes, and CI relationships.
- Common CI attributes
- The following table lists the common CI attributes that you can
include on the fourth row. You can include these attributes for any
CI type. The only required value is CI_CINUM. The CI_CINUM value
must be unique, as it is the primary key for the CI.
Table 2. Common CI attributes that you can include on the fourth row Item Description ASSETLOCORGID
The Organization to which the CI belongs to if it is an Asset or Location
The Site to which the CI belongs to if it is an Asset or Location
If the CI is an asset, this attribute is the ID of the asset
Calendar that is associated with the CI
Person or Program that created or changed the CI
Creation or change date of the CI
Link between the Authorized CI and the Actual CI
Location where the CI is physically located
A user-friendly name of the CI
CI identifier. This value is required.
Description of the Authorized CI
External reference identifier
If the CI is an Item, this attribute is the ID of the Item.
The Item Set to which the CI belongs to if it is an Item or Service
If the CI is a location, this attribute is the ID of the location.
A brief description of the circumstances of the change
Owner of the CI
Change Window Number
Change Window Organization
Identifier of Service which is the CI
Identifies the Service Group to which the Service belongs
Shift that is associated with the calendar for the CI
Current® lifecycle state of the CI
- Unique CI attributes (optional)
- In addition to the common CI attributes mentioned previously, you can enter attributes that are unique for each CI type. To determine the attributes that you can enter, view the CI attributes in the Classifications application. Go to the Classifications application ( ), then search for the Classification that you entered on the second row of the CSV file. Select the classification. On the Classifications tab, you can view the unique attributes for this CI type in the Attributes table. These are the unique attributes that you can enter on the fourth row of the CSV file.
- CI relationships (optional)
- You can enter CI relationships. To determine the CI relationships that you can use as column headers, view the list of CI relationships in the Relationships application. To access this application, select . Place the cursor in the Relationship field and press Enter to view all relationships, or enter a string in the field to filter the list. Use a relationship value from the list (such as RELATION.INSTALLEDON) as a column header. The data in the relationships column must be the CI_CINUM of the target CI. The target CI must already be imported into the system.