Configuring Service Catalog content

Use these steps to specify the organization, site, set, and vendor that you want to associate with Service Catalog content. This task is applicable if you are using either a hosted product or a VM Image, but not if you are using the Entry edition.

Before you begin

Before you complete this task, ensure that you have created at least one organization and site.

About this task

This tab is not available in all installations. If you do not see this tab, you can use the updateTool script provided with the SErvice catalog content.


  1. Open the Quick Configuration application by selecting Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Quick Configuration.
  2. Select the Service Catalog Content Configuration tab.
  3. Go to the Service Catalog Organization ID field and use the lookup to select the Organization you want to use as the default for Service Catalog content.
  4. Go to the Service Catalog Site ID field and select the Site to be used as the default.
  5. Go to the Service Catalog Set ID field and select the Set to be used as the default.
  6. Click Submit to start the configuration process.
  7. When the process completes, a log is available in the Script Logs table.
