Setting up the integration framework

You can set up the integration framework to accommodate the linking of authorized to actual CIs.


  1. Add a new enterprise service that will be used to import your naming rules from an XML file (to view a sample XML file, see NamingRuleSample.xml on the developerWorks Process Automation Community site.
    1. Click Go To > Integration > Enterprise Services.
    2. Click the New Enterprise Service icon.
    3. Type MXNMR in the Enterprise Service field.
    4. Type Import naming rules in the Description field.
    5. Select Sync in the Operation field.
    6. Select MXNMR in the Object Structure field.
    7. Click Save.
  2. Add a new external system that will be used to import the naming rules by running the MXNMR enterprise service:
    1. Click Go To > Integration > External Systems.
    2. Click the New External System icon.
    3. Type MXNMR in the System field.
    4. Type Import naming rules in the Description field.
    5. Check the Enabled box.
    6. Select MXXMLFILE in the End Point field.
    7. Select jms/maximo/int/queues/sqout in the Outbound Sequential Queue field.
    8. Select jms/maximo/int/queues/sqin in the Inbound Sequential Queue field.
    9. Select jms/maximo/int/queues/cqin in the Inbound Continuous Queue field.
    10. Click Save.
    11. Open the Enterprise Services tab.
    12. Click New Row.
    13. Type MXNMR in the Enterprise Service field.
    14. Check the Enabled box.
    15. Click Save.
  3. Configure the cron task.

    To perform an import, a cron task must be running that processes the messages on the queue.

    1. Click Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Cron Task Setup.
    2. Click the New Cron Task Definition icon.
    3. Type MSCONQCONSUMER in the Cron Task field.
    4. Type JMS Continuous Queue Consumer in the Description field.
    5. Type psdi.iface.jms.JMSQueueCronTask in the Class field.
    6. Click New Row.
    7. Type CONQIN in the Cron Task Instance Name field.
    8. Type JMS Continuous Queue In Consumer in the Description field.
    9. Click Schedule.
    10. Select Every and enter 5 in the seconds field.
    11. Click OK.
    12. Check the Active box.
    13. Check the Keep History box.
    14. Type 5 in the Max Number of History Records field.
    15. Type psdi.iface.jms.QueueToMaximoProcessor in the Value field for the MESSAGEPROCESSOR parameter.
    16. Type jms/maximo/int/queues/cqin in the Value field for the QUEUENAME parameter.
    17. Click Save.
    18. Select the Reload Request action.
    19. Select the new cron task instance CONQIN from the list, and click OK.
