Creating relationship rules

In the Promotion Scopes application, you can create relationship rules that specify whether to create related CIs and how to create relationships when you promote actual CI data.

About this task

The Relationship Rules table in the Create Relationship Rules For CI Classification window lists relationship rules that you might want to create for the CI Classification. The rules that are listed are based on the existing relationship rules between the Actual CI classification that is displayed and other Actual CI classifications in the promotion scope.

The table does not list relationship rules that already exist for the CI Classification or rules that would cause existing CI relationships to be invalid.

To create a relationship rule, complete the following steps.


  1. In the Mapped Classifications table, expand the mapping row for which you want to create relationship rules.
  2. In the Mapping Details section, click Create CI Relationship Rules.
  3. In the Relationship Rules table on the Create Relationship Rules For CI Classification window, select the rule or rules that you want to create.
  4. Click OK.
