Promoting large numbers of CIs

About this task

If you want to promote a large number of actual CIs at the same time, you can run the job in the background so that it does not tie up the user interface. This process is called batch promotion. With batch promotion, the job runs in the background and sends an email to summarize the results of the promotions.

When you use the check boxes in the list view to select the CIs to be promoted, there is a limit of 200. However, if you select Create Authorized Configuration Item with no items selected in the list, all of the actual CIs in the list are promoted. If you use the Search function to create a list of CIs, you can promote the entire result set, and there is no limit on the number of CIs.

To use batch promotion, select the Run in Background Mode check box and enter an email address. The email address is used only if the Run in Background Mode box is selected.

In order to send emails, you must have an SMTP server set up, and an email address must be defined for the administrative user. This is the address from which the notification emails are sent. To define this address, click Go to > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > System Properties. In the System Properties application, open the Global properties and locate the property mxe.adminEmail. If this property does not have a value, insert the address for the administrative user and save the value. You must restart the MXserver for the change to take effect.

If the email notification is not received, it might be larger than the maximum message size defined for your SMTP server. In general, the message size must be at least 10 KB for each 100 configuration items that you promote.
