Deleting a state from a lifecycle

You can delete one or more states from a lifecycle. However, you cannot delete a state if there are any configuration items (CIs) in that state.

Before you begin

When you delete a state, if there are any CIs in that state in that lifecycle, you will see an error message telling you that you cannot delete the state because those CIs are in it. Before deleting the state, move each CI to a different state.

It is better to move all CIs out of the state before you delete it. To find CIs in a certain state, open the Configuration Items application, enter the state in the Status field, and press Enter. If you have states with the same name in more than one lifecycle, some of the CIs in the list might be in a different lifecycle that has a state with the same name. In that case, check the classification of each CI in the list to determine whether it uses the lifecycle from which you plan to delete the state. You can also run a report, such as the CI List report, which shows a list of CIs by classification, including the lifecycle that has been applied to that classification and the current state of each CI.

About this task

To delete a state from a lifecycle, follow these steps:


  1. Open the lifecycle in the CI Lifecycles application.
  2. If the state that you plan to delete is the default state, choose another state to be the default state and check the is Default? box on the line of the new default state. You cannot delete the default state.
  3. Click the trash can icon on the line of the state you want to delete. The name of the state will be struck through in the list.
  4. Click Save to save the updated lifecycle.

What to do next
