Applying a lifecycle to CI types

You can apply a lifecycle to one or many CI types.

Before you begin

Once you have created a lifecycle or decided which existing lifecycle to use, you can apply that lifecycle to one or more CI classifications, or types. When the system subsequently identifies new CIs, they will use the lifecycle that you have applied to their CI type.

About this task

To apply a lifecycle to a CI type, perform the following steps:


  1. Click the CI Classification Assignments tab.
  2. Click New Row. This opens a new row on the table.
  3. Click the Detail Menu icon .
  4. Click Classify to open a dialog box containing a list of available classifications for your lifecycle.
  5. Select the classification from the list by clicking the blue box to the left of the text. Click OK to exit the dialogue box.

What to do next

When you apply a new lifecycle to a CI type, the new lifecycle might not contain all the states that were defined in the lifecycle that was previously applied to that type. If there are any CIs of this type that were in states that are not defined in the new lifecycle, you must resolve their status. Refer to Changing a CI lifecycle assignment for more information.

Applying a lifecycle to several CI types

This topic describes how to apply a lifecycle to several different CI types.


  1. Click Go To > IT infrastructure > CI Lifecycles .
  2. Select your lifecycle from the List tab. This action opens the CI Lifecycle tab.
  3. Click the CI Classification Assignments tab to view the classifications, or CI types, to which this lifecycle is currently applied.
  4. Click New Row.
  5. Click the Detail Menu icon . This opens a drop-down menu.
  6. Click Go To Classifications from the drop-down menu.
  7. Click the Classifications link to display all classifications.
    Note: Many of the classifications listed are unsuitable for CI's so make your selections carefully.
  8. Choose your classifications by clicking on the classification number listed in the left column.
  9. Click Return with Value. This takes you back to the CI Classification Assignments tab. Your newly selected classifications are displayed.
  10. Repeat the previous step if necessary to select additional classifications to which you want to apply this lifecycle.
  11. Click Save to save the CI classifications or types to the selected lifecycle.

What to do next

Note: After you have applied a CI lifecycle to one or more CI classifications, you can delete any classification from the list to which a lifecycle applies. To do this, click the trash can icon on the row containing that classification. You will see a message asking you to confirm the deletion. The icon will change to the recycle icon. If you click the recycle icon to un-delete the deleted classification, you will see the same message. Click OK and verify that the icon returns to the trash can icon, indicating that the classification assignment has not been deleted.

When you delete the assignment of a lifecycle to a CI classification, the default lifecycle is applied to that classification.
