Lifecycle terminology

These terms are used with the CI Lifecycles application.

The various stages in the life of a configuration item (CI). The lifecycle defines a set of states and the permitted transitions between them.
Default lifecycle
The lifecycle that is applied to a CI type that has not had a lifecycle applied to it. You can designate any defined lifecycle as the default lifecycle.
One of several stages or phases in the lifecycle of a configuration item. The name of the state corresponds to the Status attribute used in other applications that you use to work with configuration items.
A change in state, corresponding to a movement of a configuration item from one lifecycle status to the next.
Default State
The state within a lifecycle to which a new CI is assigned.
Protected state
A lifecycle state requiring a formal change process in order to move a CI into or out of that state, or to modify the attributes of a CI in that state.
Internal state
One of the names defined for lifecycle states as they are processed by the application.
