Promotion Scopes overview

Promotion scopes map actual CI classes to authorized CI classes and control the promotion of actual CI data to create authorized CIs.

The promotion process starts with an actual CI and copies the actual CI data to create an authorized CI. For the authorized CI classes that you want to manage in your enterprise, you can create promotion scopes that specify how to promote the data. The Mapped Actual CI Classification field contains the classification of the starting actual CI. The CI Promotion Scope field contains the top-level classification for the authorized CI to which the data is copied.

Do not confuse the top-level CI classification in promotion scopes with the top-level CIROOT classification. In a promotion scope, the top-level CI is a functional classification that designates a class of objects that you want to manage in your environment, for example application servers. These top-level classifications are defined by selecting the Top Level field in the Use With section of the Classifications tab.

In the Promotion Scopes application, you specify a top-level CI classification and a corresponding actual CI classification. Data from the actual CIs with this classification is promoted to authorized CIs when the promotion process is run. After you save the promotion scope, you can then map additional classifications for the promotion scope in the Mapping Classifications table.

Because the promotion process must identify a unique CI class for the actual CI data, within a promotion scope, the actual CI classification can be mapped to only one authorized CI classification. However, within a promotion scope, a CI classification can be mapped to more than one actual CI classification.

Multiple promotion scopes can be created for a specific starting point, or top-level, actual CI classification as long as each of the promotion scopes has a different starting point, or top-level, CI classification.

After a promotion scope is defined, it can be specified when you select the Create Authorized Configuration Item action in the Actual Configuration Items application to promote actual CI data to CIs.

Commonly used promotion scopes are installed with the product. You can change them as needed for your environment.
