Manage CI Hierarchies dialog box
The Manage CI Hierarchies dialog was the method used in previous releases of CCMDB for defining the authorized CI space.
In previous releases of CCMDB, you used the Manage CI Hierarchies dialog, part of the Classifications application, to configure a set of classifications for authorized CIs. These classifications were used as templates to promote actual CIs and create authorized CIs. This method is now disabled by default, because the best practice for defining an authorized CI space is the Deployer's Workbench.
If you have authorized CI classifications that you created using
the Manage CI Hierarchies function, you can continue to use them.
You must decide how you will continue to maintain and update your
CI space. You can choose either of these options:
- Continue to use the old method
- You can continue to use the Manage CI Hierarchies function to update your CI space. To do so, you will need to modify a MAXVAR to enable the use of this function. Instructions are provided below. This approach does not give you the tooling provided by the Deployer's Workbench, and it requires you to do this work using the Control Desk server and user interface. Each time that you save changes to your authorized CI space using this function, you must restart the MXServer to implement the changes. If you choose this approach, you can convert to using the Deployer's Workbench at any time.
- Use the Deployer's Workbench
- You can import the authorized CI classifications that you have
already created into the Deployer's Workbench, so
that you can use its tooling to continue to work on your CI space definitions. You
can install and use the Deployer's Workbench on a
separate machine, so that it does not compete for resources with your Control Desk server
as you work on your CI space. After you import your existing definitions
into Deployer's Workbench,
or create a new CI space, you cannot transfer your work back to the
Manage CI Hierarchies function.
Refer to the Deployer's Workbench for information about importing the authorized classifications that you created with Manage CI Hierarchies into the Deployer's Workbench.
Enabling and disabling the manage CI Hierarchies dialog
By default access to this dialog is disabled. To enable access,
issue this command against your database:
update maxvars set varvalue='1' where varname='SHOWMANAGECIHIERAR'
command is the same for all supported databases and requires write
access to the database. If you have enabled access and wish to disable
it, issue the command again, setting the varvalue to 0.