Naming rules
Naming rules define a set of criteria to uniquely identify a CI. These rules are used to link authorized CIs to actual CIs. In automated linking of assets and CIs (not described here) naming rules are to link authorized assets to authorized CIs.
This section provides an overview of the naming rules and how to design them.
Naming rule characteristics
The naming rules
used to link authorized to actual CIs are designed to mimic the Common
Data Model (CDM) naming rules, which include the following:
- There are multiple naming rules per CI type.
- Each naming rule is assigned a priority within a CI type.
- Naming rules consist of one or more parts:
- An alphanumeric attribute
- A relationship to another CI (for example, a parent CI)
- A naming rule succeeds in identifying a CI if all parts of the naming rule are true.
- Naming rules are processed in ascending order priority until a naming rule succeeds.
Refer to the Common Data Model (CDM) documentation for more information on CDM naming rules.
Note: A
limitation of this feature is that you cannot set up a NOT operator
like the NOT operator that the Common Data Model uses in its naming rules.
Naming rule MBOs
The product naming rules
consist of the following Maximo business objects (MBOs).
(You can view a sample naming rules XML file, NamingRuleSample.xml,
on the developerWorks Process Automation Community site.)
- NMRGROUP defines a collection of naming rules that can be assigned
to one or more CI types. For example, you might choose to define an
NMRGROUP called computersystems and assign that group of naming rules
- NMR defines a naming rule that is associated with a particular
naming rule group. There can be one or more naming rules for a naming
rule group.
- NMRATTR defines the details of the naming rule. An NMRATTR row
can identify either an alphanumeric attribute or a relationship condition,
but not both.
- NMRGROUPMAPPING assigns an authorized CI type to a naming rule
group. An authorized CI type can be associated to only one naming
rule group.
- NMRCLASSMAPPING maps a CI classification to an actual CI classification. This
allows the naming rule engine to determine which actual CIs should
be evaluated for a match.
Guideline for designing your naming rules
Configuring proper
naming rules is the key to successful linking of authorized CIs to
actual CIs. Use the following guidelines to create and import the
naming rules.
- Identify which CI types have CIs that need to be linked.
- For each CI type, refer to the CDM (Common Data Model) documentation and review the naming rules. The CDM has carefully defined naming rules for each CI type to ensure that CIs can be uniquely identified. The authorized naming rules can be set up similarly to the CDM. This should be the starting point for naming rule design.
- Evaluate data in your system. Randomly check CIs of each type to see if the CDM naming rules will match the appropriate CIs to actual CIs.
- If CIs are imported from another data source, you may need to
define naming rules that differ from the CDM definitions. For example,
an authorized computer system may not have any alphanumeric attributes
and the only way to determine its corresponding actual CI is to use
a relationship to another CI, such as ipaddress. For these custom
situations, you should define your own custom naming rules. Here are
some best practices:
- Avoid rules that create circular traversal of CIs. Like the CDM naming rules, you can define rules that use a related CI as part of the link criteria. If your rules create a situation where a CI A depends on CI B and that CI B depends on CI A, an error message will be displayed to notify you that a circular dependency exists in the naming rules.
- If possible, prioritize the rules that have the greatest likelihood of succeeding first to maximize performance.
- To maximize performance further, give rules that do not rely on related CIs a higher priority than the rules that do rely on related CIs.
- Use preview mode to review the CIs that will be linked before actually creating the links.
- Refer to NamingRuleSample.xml, located on the developerWorks Process Automation Community site,
to view the format of naming rules XML file that is used to import
the naming rules. The sample follows the Common Data Model for some
key CI types, and the CI types are based on the best practice promotion
scopes, as imported from the Deployer's Workbench.
- Start with the predefined CI types in the sample. Look at the NMRGROUPMAPPING and NMRCLASSMAPPING and modify the HIERARCHYPATHs if needed to match your own CI types.
- Following the same format, create additional NMRGROUPs and modify NMR and NMRATTR as needed for predefined CI types.
For more information about the objectstructure XML format, consult the “Integrating” section of the product information center.