Creating chat response plans
Response plans that you create are used to route solution-based chat requests to the appropriate owner groups. When a response plan assigns an owner group, members of the corresponding chat queue person group are notified of a waiting chat request.
About this task
A chat response plan participates in the live chat process
flow as follows:
- When a user requests a chat, a service request is created. This service request has classification, configuration item (CI), or asset attributes that correspond to the attributes of the solution from which the user made the request.
- The Response Plan engine is run against the service request. It looks at the service request attributes and information about the requesting user, and finds response plans whose conditions match this information.
- The response plan that is applied either applies a ticket template that sets the owner group on the service request, or specifies an owner group for the service request.
- Members of the chat queue person group that corresponds to the specified owner group are notified of a pending chat request and can accept the request.
To create response plans that are used to specify chat owner groups, go to the Response Plans application (Help in the upper right corner to access complete information about how to create response plans.
). This application is used by both service providers and non–service providers. ClickAs you create your response
plans, use the following guidelines:
- Ensure that you are familiar with the person groups that are designated chat queues. For example, know which groups have expertise in IT infrastructure, which groups are application experts, and so on.
- Define conditions that specify the classifications, CIs, or assets that are attributes of the solutions that are defined in your organization. For example, if a solution has the classification IT_infrastructure, define a response plan that specifies a condition with that classification.
- Specify all of the conditions that match person groups with the
classification, CI, or asset attributes. For example, you might define
this condition:
For all classifications that start with IT/infrastructure, use the CQ_IT owner group.
- Consider giving each of the response plan names a prefix, such as CQ_, that will enable you to quickly search for the response plans in the Response Plans application. In addition, you can create a query that lists response plans that are used for chats.
- When you create a new solution and have enabled the live chat capability from a solution search, you might need to update your response plans to route chat requests for this solution to the appropriate chat queue.