Creating chat queue person groups
Person groups are used as chat queues. You use the Person Groups application to create new person groups. After you do so, you designate the groups as queues, control whether they are accepting requests, view waiting and in-progress chat information, and so on.
About this task
A chat queue person group is made up of Service Desk agents who have particular areas of expertise. For example, you might create a person group containing IT infrastructure experts, a group containing agents who know about enterprise applications, a group that can assist with product or application upgrades, and so on. The groups that you use as chat queues depend on the specific needs of your organization.
As a service provider, you can create person groups that are associated with particular customers. If you do so, chat requests from a customer will be routed to agents who work with that customer and are familiar with customer needs.
To create person groups to be designated as chat queues, go to the Person Groups application (Help in the upper right corner to access complete information about how to create the person groups.
). Click- Before you create new person groups to be used as chat queues, examine the groups that are already defined in your environment. You might find that some groups are already suited to be chat queues. For example, you might have an existing person group that contains Service Desk agents with expertise in infrastructure issues or business applications. You can simply designate these person groups as chat queues, without having to recreate them.
- Every member of a chat queue person group needs to be a Service Desk agent.
- If your organization installed optional content with this product, you can add members who belong to the SDAGENT security group, which automatically confers access to applications used by agents.
- If you did not install optional content, ensure, at a minimum, that all members of a group have access to the Service Request application. You can confer other application access as well, such as access to the Incidents, Problems, and Solutions applications, depending on your organizational structure and the needs of your business.