Configuring the sequence of steps in the Progress Map

You can globally define a different sequence of steps in the Progress Map for all of your Changes of a specific type, by modifying a system property. You can also apply a different sequence of steps in the Progress Map to an individual job plan; when you later apply this job plan to a Change, the Progress Map for the Change will reflect the steps that you have specified.

Applying a sequence globally to all Changes of a specified type

About this task

You can modify system properties to apply a sequence of progress steps to all Changes of a specific type that you process in your data center. After you modify a system property, all Changes of the type you selected have Progress Maps that reflect the specified sequence.

Table 1. Change Type system properties
Change Type System property Default step sequence
Standard pmchg.progressmap.standard.change.seq
Normal pmchg.progressmap.normal.change.seq
Emergency pmchg.progressmap.emergency.change.seq

To modify a property to set a different sequence for all Changes of a specified type, perform the following steps:


  1. Open the System Properties application (Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > System Properties) and open the pmchg.progressmap.<change_type>.change.seq property you want to modify.
  2. Click Filter, type pmchg.progressmap.<change_type>.change.seq in the Property Name field, and press Enter to open the property.
  3. Click the small triangle beside the Change Type property name to display additional information about the property. The Global Value field lists the status values that are used for the Progress Map and Status field for all Changes of the specified type. These values are listed in their current sequence.
  4. Edit the contents of the Global Value field to reflect the sequence of steps that you want to use for all of your Changes of the selected type.
  5. Click Save to save your changes.
  6. Check the box beside the modified Change Type property, and click Refresh to refresh your system properties to update the property.

Applying a different sequence to a job plan

About this task

To define a sequence of steps that you want to associate with a job plan, perform the following steps:


  1. Open the Job Plans application (Go To > Planning > Job Plans).
  2. With the cursor in the Job Plan field, type Enter to display a full list of job plan records; you can restrict the list by typing a text string in the Job Plan field or by using the filter and query features.

    For example, to display a best practice job plan that was shipped with the product, first type PMCHG in the Job Plan field, and press Enter to display a list of the built-in job plans.

  3. Locate and open the job plan for which you want to define a new sequence.
  4. In the Job Plan view, click Select beside the Process Flow Sequence field. The Select Process Flow Sequence dialog opens.
  5. Use the Select Process Flow Sequence dialog to specify a process flow sequence. See "Selecting a process flow sequence" for details.

    After you select a process flow sequence in the dialog, the dialog is removed, and the name of the process flow sequence that you applied to the job plan is displayed in the Process Flow Sequence field.


When you apply this job plan to a Change, the Progress Map displays nodes that correspond to the sequence of steps that you have defined for the job plan.
