Initiating a new Change

You can initiate a new Change in either of two ways: by creating and submitting a Request for Change (RFC) in the Process Requests application; or by going directly to the Changes application and creating the Change in response to another type of request or a perceived need in the data center. After an RFC is submitted, a Change Owner responds to the request and accepts or rejects the Change.

About this task

For a service provider, the need for a Change might arise in any of several ways:

  • A customer enters a Request for Change.
  • A customer sends an e-mail or calls your help desk.
  • A technician in your organization who works at a customer location recognizes the need for a Change.

When you initiate a Change that you will process for a customer, you specify the customer information, including the customer name, location, CIs, and other customer attributes, when you create the Change. You can create security groups to ensure that all of the records that are subsequently created for this Change are strictly segmented; when you segment customer data, only the customer and internal employee users who are authorized to view data for a customer can view any of the records. For more information about customer-related security measures, see "Controlling access to customer information."

After you initiate a new Change, the Reported Date field displays the date and time at which the Change was created.
