Previewing impacts of a Change

This dialog displays the CIs or assets that can potentially be impacted by this Change. Typically, you preview impacts immediately after creating a Change, but you can preview impacts at any time. The results of an impacts preview are not stored; the impacts preview is used for reference purposes only. In addition, only the Change targets are used to calculate impacts, targets of individual tasks are not used.

About this task

To preview the impacts of a Change, perform the following steps:


  1. In the Preview Impacts of the Change dialog, open one of the following tabs:
    • Calculated — lists impacted CIs, as calculated by the engine using the impact assessment rules that you have configured.
    • Historical — lists impacted CIs, as retrieved by the engine based on impacts that have historically been identified.
  2. When you have inspected the impacted CIs, click OK to close the dialog.
