Selecting from Hierarchies and Relationships

Use the Select from Hierarchies and Relationships dialog box to add one or multiple assets, locations, or CIs to a task. You can search other Change records for the assets, locations, or CIs that you want to add.

About this task

To select from hierarchies and relationships:


  1. If you know the Change work order record that you want to copy assets, locations, or CIs from, enter the value in the Search Record field. You can also click the Detail Menu to retrieve a value. Click Refine.
  2. To narrow your search, enter values in any of the fields above the table window and click Refine.

    After you click Refine for either of the preceding steps, the top table window displays work orders that are in the existing record's hierarchy, or are related records. You also can use the Filter in the top table window to filter your results.

  3. In the top table window, select the row that contains the work order that you want to copy assets, locations, or CIs from.

    The bottom table window lists all assets, locations, and CIs associated with the highlighted work order.

  4. In the bottom table window, check the box for each asset, location, or CI you want to add to the task. You can select more than one item to add. To select all of the items, check the leftmost box in the header row.
  5. Click OK. The system saves the selected assets, locations, and CIs to the task.
