Viewing and modifying change windows scheduled on a day

Use the Change Window Schedule dialog to view all of the change windows for the day that you are inspecting. You can view the merged change windows for the day, and you can view or modify individual, non-merged change windows.

About this task

To view and manage change windows for a date, perform either of the following actions in the Change Window Schedule panel:

  • With the Merged tab open, inspect the merged change windows for the date. The Merged page is read-only. It displays all of the merged change windows that are scheduled for the date. The merged change windows are used by the Change Implementation Schedule and Task Scheduler applications to detect change window conflicts.
  • Open the Administrative tab to view all the individual change windows for the date. This list shows the change windows as they were created, prior to being merged with other change windows. Select any of the change windows in the list to modify the start time, the end time, or the notes. To delete a selected change window, click the trash can icon.
