Setting the maximum number of displayed nodes

If you have a significant number of CIs that are registered to the database, the topology graph can become so crowded with CI nodes that the display is difficult to interpret. You can configure the maximum number of nodes to display, so that the topology remains useful regardless of how many CIs you have.

About this task

The default maximum number of nodes to display in the topology is 200. To modify this maximum, you configure the pmgui.citopology.maxnodes system property.

To configure the system property that controls the maximum number of nodes displayed, perform the following steps:


  1. Click Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > System Properties to go to the System Properties application.
  2. Click Filter, type maxnodes in the Property Name field, and press Enter to display a list that contains the pmgui.citopology.maxnodes system property.
  3. Click pmgui.citopology.maxnodes to open the property, type a different number in the Global Value field, and click Save to save the property.
  4. Click Refresh to refresh the system properties.


After you edit the pmgui.citopology.maxnodes property, the specified maximum number of nodes will be displayed the next time the topology is displayed.
