Specifying the business view for a CI classification

When you view the topology, you can specify the detailed view or the business view.

About this task

The detailed view shows all related CIs of all types. The business view shows a subset of all CI types, based on whether the associated CI classification specifies showing in the business view. By default, CI types such as application servers and services show in the business view. You can select or clear the Show in business view check box to control whether a CI type shows in this view.

Note: You can also use Deployer's Workbench to specify whether a CI type is shown in the business view. For details, see the information that was installed with Deployer's Workbench.

To specify whether a CI type is shown in the topology business view, complete the following steps:


  1. To open the Classification view for the CI type that you are working with, select one of the following options:
    • Go to the Configuration Items application (Go To > IT Infrastructure > Configuration Items), open a CI that has this classification, click Select Value in the Classification field, and select Go To Classifications.
    • Go to the Classifications application (Go To > Administration > Classifications), and click the name of the classification in the list.
  2. To cause CIs of this type to show in the topology business view, check Show in business view. Clear the check box if you do not want the CI type to show in the business view.
  3. Click Save to save the classification setting.
