The PMCHGAP1 authorization process
The built-in PMCHGAP1 subprocess workflow also conducts a series of steps to ensure that your Change is properly authorized. If this workflow is used, authorization assignments are sent across all of the authorization levels, beginning with the Change Owner and moving up through levels 3, 2, and 1.
About this task
The PMCHGAP1 workflow performs the following operations
to ensure that the Change is authorized:
- Sends the first approval assignment to the Change Owner.
- At authorization levels 3, 2, and 1, sets the authorization level to the current level, and sends assignments if the approval records at that level have either an owner or owner group set.
- If any of the approvers at a level reject the Change, sets the Authorization Decision field to Rejected and the Change status to rejected; if a Change is rejected, the workflow stops.
- After approvers at the highest authorization level approve the Change, sets the Authorization Decision field to Approved and the Change status to approved.