It is strongly recommended that you apply a classification when you create a Change. A classification describes the overall purpose of a Change in the data center: a hardware Change, a software Change, or a specific type of hardware or software Change. This product provides a built-in set of classifications that are commonly used in a Change process.
In addition to describing the work that is being performed, the classification captures needed parameters. Response plans typically use classifications, among other definitions, to bring job plans and other needed information into a Change.
Built-in Change classifications
This product ships with a number of built-in classifications that you can use to classify Changes. Some of the classifications are grouped under parent classifications. For example, the J3EEMDBA (J2EE Middleware Backend Software) classification is grouped under the PMCHG \ PMCHGSFW \ MDLEWARE classification.
The following table lists and describes the classifications that are provided as built-in product content:
Classification | Description |
PMCHG | A change for which no other classification applies |
PMCHGHDW | A general hardware change |
PMCHGSFW | A general software change |
PMCHGTSK | A classification used for implementation tasks |
PMCHG_DBINSTALL | A database installation |
PMCHG_MWINSTALL | A middleware installation |
PMCHG_SVRBLD | A server build |
To view a list of these built-in classifications, along with other classifications that might have been added to your product environment, go to the Classifications application (PMCHG in the Classification field, and press Enter. You can click the name of a classification to view details.
), typeYou can augment the set of classifications in any way that fits the need of your organization; you can create, modify, and delete classifications. For more information, consult the information that is provided for the Classifications application (in the navigation pane, click