Overview of historical analysis

When a Change Analyst specifies a historical impact analysis, the impact analysis engine mines existing impact data to find previously completed implementation tasks that have the same target CI or asset for which you want impact data. The engine harvests the impacts that were previously identified for those tasks.

After a historical analysis is performed, the impact results for all of the tasks that contained the target CI or asset are combined into one list of impacts. For example, assume the following:
  • Two tasks, Task A and Task B, contain the APPSVR target CI.
  • A historical analysis identifies an accounting application and a billing application as impacted CIs for Task A.
  • The analysis identifies the billing application and an e-mail service as impacted CIs for Task B.
  • The accounting application, the billing application, and the e-mail service are all presented as historical impact results for the APPSVR CI.
You can configure criteria to limit the scope of a historical impact analysis. These criteria are as follows:
  • The maximum number of implementation tasks to examine for impact results. This value applies to the most recent x tasks that are found, where x is the number of tasks to examine.
  • The number of days to go back in searching for implementation tasks to examine.
