Fully automated Changes
You can process Changes that do not require human interaction. These fully automated Changes are typically used for common operations such as modifying user passwords, performing regularly scheduled server updates, and so on. Fully automated Changes typically use the standard Change process, because they do not require assessments, authorization, or scheduling.
The Fully Automated field is used to indicate that a Change will be processed in this way. The Fully Automated field can be set in the Schedule tab of a Change, or it can be set by a job plan that is applied to the Change. When you create job plans that will be used for automated Changes, you check Fully Automated to indicate that the tasks will be completed without human interaction.
You can also check Fully Automated for a Change that has already been completed, in order to record the fact that the Change was made on the target CIs and no further action is required.
In fully automated Changes, confirmation dialog boxes are skipped; during the Accept and Categorize phase, the manual examination of the Change to determine whether it is within policy is skipped; no assessment, authorization, and scheduling assignments are issued; during implementation, the update of CIs to reflect the Change implementation is skipped; during the Review and Close phase, the verification of the Change implementation is skipped; and so on. All process steps occur completely without human interaction.