Response plans

This product ships with a set of built-in response plans that can be used for a significant number of the Changes that you process in your data center. The built-in response plans have names that begin with the letters PMCHG. To inspect these built-in response plans, click Go to > Service Level > Response Plans, type PMCHG in the Response Plan field, and press Enter. Click the name of any of these response plans to inspect the conditions that cause the plan to match a particular Change.

A response plan provides a convenient way to make the completion of a Change easier, more efficient, and more repeatable across similar Changes. Response plans for Change Management automatically set values on a Change. For example, they can be used to select the correct job plan for a Change, assign an owner or owner group, and so on. When you apply a response plan to a Change, a plan is found that matches the attributes of that Change.

The following table lists and describes the response plans that are provided as built-in product content, along with their associated condition, rank, and job plan:

Response Plan Description Condition Rank Job plan Job plan description
PMCHGEMERG Emergency Change Priority=1 or


10 PMCHGEMERG Emergency Change
PMCHGHIRSK High Risk Change Risk=1 or


15 PMCHGNORML Normal Change
PMCHGSTAND Standard Change Type=Standard 20 PMCHGSTAND Standard Change
PMCHGDATAB Database Installation Classification=dbinstall 30 PMCHGDATAB Database Change
PMCHGMIDWR Middleware Installation Classification=mwinstall 30 PMCHGMIDWR Middleware Change
PMCHGSERVR Server Build Classification=svrbld 30 PMCHGSERVR Server Build
PMCHGAVUPD Antivirus Update Classification=avupdate 30 PMCHGSTAND Standard Change
PMCHGSTANA VM Move Classification=vmmove 90 PMCHGSTANA Standard Automated Change
PMCHGNORML Normal Change Type=Normal 100 PMCHGNORML Normal Change
