This product ships with a set of built-in key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be used to customize your start centers. KPIs display graphical views that enable you to track critical performance variables over time. For example, a Change Manager Start Center displays KPI graphs that show outstanding RFCs; the rate at which Incidents have been caused by changes; average process times per change; and other KPIs that provide an overview of the changes in the environment.
The built-in KPIs for change management have names that begin with the letters PMCHG. To inspect these built-in KPIs, click the Edit Portlet icon () in the header row of a current KPI in your start center, click Select KPIs, and filter on PMCHG in the KPI field. Each KPI has a name, a description, and a calculation type. The calculation type indicates whether the performance variable that is tracked by the KPI is calculated to display a number (DECIMAL) or a percentage value (PERCENT).
The following table lists and describes the KPIs that are provided as built-in product content for change management:
KPI name | Description | Calculation Type |
PMCHGALLACTIVE | Total number of active Changes | DECIMAL |
PMCHGOVERDUEACT | Total number of overdue Activities | DECIMAL |
PMCHGOVERDUETSK | Total number of overdue Tasks | DECIMAL |
PMCHGPRCTACCEPT | Percentage of RFCs successful | PERCENT |
PMCHGPRCTCAN | Percentage of Changes canceled | PERCENT |
PMCHGPRCTCLOSE | Percentage of Changes closed | PERCENT |
PMCHGPRCTCOMP | Percentage of Changes completed | PERCENT |
PMCHGPRCTRJECT | Percentage of RFCs rejected | PERCENT |
PMCHGRFCAVGDAYS | Average number of days RFC is in new state | DECIMAL |
PMCHGRFCCAN | Percentage of RFCs canceled | PERCENT |
PMCHGRFCMAX | Total number of days RFC is in submitted state | DECIMAL |
PMCHGRFCSUBMIT | Total number of new RFCs | DECIMAL |