Communication templates

Communication templates enable you to standardize frequently used e-mail communications (also known as notifications). You can also use communication templates to create e-mail notifications for use with the automated workflow and escalation processes. A change involves many different actors, all of whom must be notified of changes that affect their areas of responsibility. Therefore, this product ships with a comprehensive set of built-in communication templates.

Each communication template is used for a specific purpose. For example, the PMCHGIMP template contains all of the information needed to notify interested parties that configuration item (CI) will be impacted by an upcoming Change. The built-in templates have been applied to the related events, so the notifications defined by each of the shipped templates are automatically sent when the events occur.

To view a list of the built-in templates, go to the Communication Templates application and search for templates that begin with the letters PMCHG. To access this application click Go to > Administration > Communication Templates. You can access additional information about a template (recipient, sender, contents, and so on) by opening the template.

You can create, modify, and remove communication templates in the Communication Templates application. Consult the online help for this application for a thorough description of communication templates and how to work with them (to access the help, in the navigation pane click Modules and applications > Administration module > Communication Templates application).

The following table lists and describes the communication templates that are provided as built-in product content:

Communication Template Description
PMCHGCISTA Start CI owner notification
PMCHGIMP Change impact notification
PMCHGTROWN Change task ready notification
PMCHGWFRMAIL Change not implemented notification
PMCHGWOHT1 Owner user change notification
PMCHGWOHT2 Owner group change notification
PMCHGWOSTA Status changes notification
