Viewing details about a software product
Use the Software Catalog application to display detailed catalog information about a software catalog record, including the source of the catalog information itself.
About this task
On the Software tab, the Product Details and Licensing Options sections provide additional information about the currently displayed software catalog record. Note that the fields in the Product Details and Licensing Options sections are informational only; they are not validated, nor are they currently used in any report or linked to any other application.
The Product Part Numbers section displays part number information, imported by Tivoli® Asset Discovery for Distributed, that applies only to deployed software products. The part number information provides a way to associate a software product with a software license, based on the part number provided in the product's license entitlement.
The Associated Items section displays any item master records associated with the software catalog record. From this section you can also link existing item master records with the software catalog record, or create new item master records for the current catalog record.
The Conversion Variants section lists any variant names assigned to the current catalog record. Conversion variants that originate from Asset Discovery for z/OS® are displayed, but can only be modified from those applications.
The steps for viewing details about a software product follow.
- On the navigation bar, click .
- On the toolbar, display all records for software products, or use the table filter or Advanced Search to filter the records that you want to display.
- Select the record you want to view in detail. The Software tab is displayed with various details about the record, and you can select additional Software Catalog tabs for even more information related to the record.