Verifying removal of software products

Use the Deployed Software application to verify that deployed software sourced from Tivoli® Asset Discovery for Distributed or Asset Discovery for z/OS® has been removed from a partition or computer.

About this task

Unlike a deployed software record that originates with another discovery tool, one that originates with Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed or Asset Discovery for z/OS is not deleted from Control Desk when the record's associated software is removed from a partition or computer.

For a record that is not deleted, you can determine if its associated software was removed by locating the record and checking for a date in the Uninstall Date field.

For all other discovery tools, the deployed software record will be deleted from Control Desk if the next data import from Integration Composer reflects that the discovery tool can no longer find the associated software.

The steps for verifying removal of software products sourced from Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed or Asset Discovery for z/OS follow.


  1. On the navigation bar, click Go To > Assets > Deployed Assets > Deployed Software.
  2. On the toolbar, use Advanced Search to find the record or records for the deployed software whose removal you want to verify. Records can be searched based on the fields available in the More Search Fields window.

    For example, you could search for software by both name and location on a specific computer or partition, or on a particular installation path. And you could include in your search an uninstall date that is before or after a specific date that you select.

    Alternatively, you can use the Deployed Software table filter to perform your search, but the search fields are limited.

    Results are displayed in the Deployed Software record list.

  3. Open the first record in the Deployed Software table window.
  4. On the Deployed Software tab, see if there is a date in the Uninstall Date field. A date in this field verifies that the currently displayed software has been removed, and when it was removed.
  5. On the toolbar, click the Next arrow to advance to the next software record in the Deployed Software table window.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you have reviewed or verified all the deployed software listed in the Deployed Software table window.
  7. Optional. Repeat this procedure from the beginning to perform different searches for other deployed software records from Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed or Asset Discovery for z/OS, and verify removals.
