Modifying refresh cycles for IT assets

If changes occur that require modifications to the original refresh cycle that you specified for an IT asset, you can change the dates and other information about the replacement plans.

About this task

In the record list, you can modify asset refresh information for all IT assets displayed in the list, or you can modify selected assets in the list. The Modify Refresh Date action applies only to assets that are classified as IT assets. To display the record list, click View Record List; or, when you first open the application, click Enter in the Asset field.

From the IT Details tab, you can modify asset refresh information for a single asset.

You can change the refresh status, the planned refresh date, or the remarks about the refresh.


In the Assets application, select one of the following options:
Option Description
To modify a refresh date for all IT assets in the result set in the record list
  1. In the record list, display the IT assets for which you want to modify the refresh date. You can use the Advanced Search features in the table window to limit the result set to a specific group of IT assets that you want to change.
  2. Select the Modify Refresh Date action. The application displays a system message informing you that the action you are about to take will modify all records displayed on the record list.
  3. Click OK to proceed with the change.
  4. In the Modify Refresh Date window, specify the refresh dates and other information as needed.
  5. Click OK. The application modifies the refresh information for all IT assets in the result set on the record list.
To modify a refresh date for selected IT assets on the record list
Note: You cannot use this feature unless your result set is less than 200 rows.
  1. In the Assets application, display the IT asset or assets for which you want to modify the refresh cycle.
  2. To display a check box for each row in the table window, select the Select Records check box at the bottom of the record list.
  3. To select specific asset records, in the record list click the Select Row check box for each record that you want to change.
  4. Select the Modify Refresh Date action.
  5. In the Modify Refresh Date window, specify the refresh dates and other information as needed.
  6. Click OK. The application modifies the refresh information for the selected IT asset or assets.
To modify asset refresh information for a single asset
  1. On the IT Details tab in the Assets application, display the IT asset for which you want to modify asset refresh details.
  2. Update the refresh information as needed.
  3. Save the asset record.
