Finding licenses associated with a software product

Use the Software Catalog application to display any licenses and license details for a software product, including the name of the license, the license vendor, the type of license (IPLA, ICA, or generic), its procurement status, and if applicable, the license termination date. The license that applies to a child or parent of the current software product is not included.

About this task

The Licenses tab shows all the license instances that refer to the currently displayed catalog record. All entries are read-only.

The steps for finding licenses and license details associated with a software product follow.


  1. On the navigation bar, click Go To > Administration > Deployed Assets > Software Catalog.
  2. On the toolbar, display all records for software products, or use the table filter or Advanced Search to filter the records that you want to display.
  3. Select the catalog record whose licenses and license details you want to view.
  4. Click the Licenses tab. License information for the current software catalog record is presented in the table in the Licenses section. One row is displayed for each applicable license.
  5. Optional: In the Licenses table, display the Detail Menu on the Licenses Name field to view more information about any license in the table.
