Finding currently deployed software

Use the Software Catalog application to find all or a subset of all catalog records for currently deployed software instances.

About this task

From the Software Catalog application you can identify and list all the catalog records for software currently found in inventory; that is, that have been deployed, discovered, and have an existing deployed software record in the Deployed Software application.

The steps for finding currently deployed software follow.


  1. On the navigation bar, click Go To > Administration > Deployed Assets > Software Catalog.
  2. On the toolbar, use Advanced Search or the Software filter to display the catalog records for all or a subset of deployed software instances.

    Do one of the following substeps:

    • To display the catalog records for all currently deployed software instances, click Advanced Search, and in the Licenses section of the search window specify Y in the Deployed field and clear the Total Deployed field.
    • To display the catalog records for a subset of currently deployed software instances, specify a quantifier and number in the Total Deployed field.

      For example, to display in the Software table only catalog records for software with fifty deployed instances, type =50 in the Total Deployed field. To display only catalog records for software with greater than a hundred deployed instances, type >100. To display only catalog records for software with less than eighty deployed instances, type <80.

      Tip: It is faster to use the Total Deployed field in the Software table for this task if the number of deployed instances is your only search filter. Otherwise, use Advanced Search, as described in the next substep.
    • To display the catalog records for a subset of currently deployed software instances, click Advanced Search and in the Licenses section leave the Deployed field empty and specify a qualifier and number in the Total Deployed field.
      For example, to display in the Software table only catalog records for software with fifty deployed instances, type =50 in the Total Deployed field. To display only catalog records for software with greater than a hundred deployed instances, type >100. To display only catalog records for software with less than eighty deployed instances, type <80.
      Tip: Use Advanced Search for this task when you want to employ these Deployed filters in combination with other advanced search filters.
  3. Optional: To view or work with one or more software records now displayed in the Software table, do one of the following:
    • Click on a single record to go directly to the Software tab and open the record. Click on subsequent tabs for additional details related to the record.
    • Select the records you want to work with, then click the tab or select an action appropriate for your task.

      To select multiple catalog records in the record list, check the Select Records check box (at the bottom left of the list) and then check one or more records that you want to work with. If you subsequently select an action, the action will be applied to all selected records in the list. From the toolbar, you can click the Previous Record and Next Record icons (the left and right arrows) to page back and forth through the records that you selected on the record list.
