Finding deployed software

Use the Deployed Software application to view all or a subset of all the deployed software records in the database. You can also locate a particular deployed software record that you want to work with further.

About this task

When using the Deployed Software application to look for software, displaying all records in the record list can generate thousands of deployed software entries. The table filter and the Advanced Search feature offer many ways to search for and filter the deployed software entries. You can also use these search features to reduce the entry list in the software table to 200 entries (unless configured otherwise) or less, which is required before you can select multiple records to work with.

The steps for finding deployed software follow.


  1. On the navigation bar, click Go To > Assets > Deployed Assets > Deployed Software.
  2. Place the cursor in the Software Product Name field. Type a filter term (or use Advanced Search) if you want to limit the list of records. Click Enter.
  3. To work with one or more of the deployed software records displayed in the record list, select one or more records you want to work with, and then click the tab appropriate for your task. If you do not select a record from the record list, any actions that you perform will affect all the records displayed in the record list.
