Setting up and managing core multiplier groups

Use the Licenses application to add, modify, or delete core multiplier groups and their assigned core multiplier values. Setting up the core multiplier groups and values can be done all at once, or as the need arises. However, you need to do this setup before you can associate a core multiplier group with a license and run audit reports that make license capacity calculations.

Before you begin

Before starting this task, read more about allocated, available, and discovered license capacity in the licenses overview. The overview explains how license capacity is allocated, how available capacity is calculated, and how discovered capacity is reported when you run a Processor Based Audit report from the Licenses application.

About this task

Advancements in processor technology now allow multiple cores on a single chip. As a result, software vendors and manufacturers have started to license products based on the number of cores used to run their licensed software.

Within the License application, you can use core multiplier groups to assign core multipliers to all the cores allowed in the latest software licensing. A core multiplier group is a single category used to identify the different core multiplier assignments, or multicore values, referred to in a license. The core multiplier group is used in audit reports to calculate discovered capacity for licenses with PROC or PROCCORE capacity units.

A core multiplier group could be the name of, for example, a particular manufacturer (or vendor, or software product) that publishes core multiplier tables with multicore values that apply to their products. But the name is not restricted to those examples. Any name relevant to the type of core multiplier can be used.

The multicore value, usually a decimal number, is used to calculate the discovered capacity for software on specific processors or partitions. Note, however, that the core multiplier is not used to calculate allocated capacity. The license explains where to find this multicore value, which is often published by the manufacturer or vendor on an Internet Web site. It is up to the user to obtain this value.

Whether you need to define a single core multiplier group with just one multiplier value, or a number of groups each with one or more values, the procedure is the same. Before you begin, familiarize yourself with the rules that follow.

Rules for working with core multipliers

  • More than one core multiplier group can be defined, but only one can be associated with a license.
  • No two core multiplier groups can have the same group name.
  • More than one processor can be associated with a core multiplier group.
  • The same processor cannot be associated with a core multiplier group more than once.
  • Each core multiplier assignment can have a different core multiplier value.
  • A core multiplier group cannot be deleted if it is associated with a license.
  • The assigned core multiplier value must be greater than 0.
  • When a core multiplier group is deleted, all core multiplier assignments associated with it are also deleted.
  • Target processors must be renamed in the Processor Conversion application, not in the Licenses application.
  • A target processor cannot be deleted if it is used in a core multiplier assignment.

The steps for setting up and managing core multiplier groups follow:


  1. On the navigation bar, click Go To > Assets > Licenses.
  2. On the toolbar, select the Manage Core Multiplier Groups action. Any core multiplier groups currently available in the Licenses application are listed in the Core Multiplier Groups section (top table) of the Manage Core Multiplier Groups window. Groups can be added, removed, or modified. When you select a group, all the core multipliers associated with it are listed in the Core Multiplier Assignments section (bottom table). Assignments can be added, removed, or modified.
  3. In the Manage Core Multiplier Groups window, do one of the following:
    • To add a core multiplier group or assignment:
      1. In the Core Multiplier Groups table (top), click New Row and complete the fields.

        Core Multiplier Group is a required field of up to 20 characters, Description is an optional field of up to 100 characters. No two core multiplier groups can have the same group name.

      2. Click OK to save the group and close the window, or go to step 3.c.
      3. Add a core multiplier to the new core multiplier group:
        1. In the Core Multiplier Assignments table (bottom), click Select Processors
        2. In the Select Processors window, select the check box for each processor that you want to add to the core multiplier group.

          Only processors that are not already associated with the current core multiplier group are available for selection.

        3. Click OK to return to the Manage Core Multiplier Groups window.
        4. In the Core Multiplier Assignments table, type a core multiplier number in the first editable Core Multiplier field. If you assigned more than one new target processor, select another new processor row to make the Core Multiplier field editable there. Add a core multiplier number to each new processor row until they all have an assigned number.

          You cannot move on to another row or close the window until all assignments have a core multiplier value. Each core multiplier assignment can have a different core multiplier value. The core multiplier value must be numeric.

        5. Click OK to save both tables and close the window
    • To modify a core multiplier group or assignment, select a row in the group or assignment table, change the current field values to the ones you want, and click OK.

      (If you need to rename a target processor, you must do it in the Processor Conversion application, not here.)

    • To remove a core multiplier group or assignment, select a row in the group or assignment table, click the Mark Row for Delete icon (in the rightmost column of the row), and click OK.

      A core multiplier group cannot be deleted if it is associated with a license. When you delete a core multiplier group, all core multiplier assignments associated with it are deleted automatically.

  4. [Optional.] To associate a core multiplier group with a license:
    1. From the record list, display and open the license that you want to associate a core multiplier group with. The license must have a capacity unit of PROC or PROCCORE.
    2. In the Scope section of the License tab, type the name of a valid core multiplier group in the Core Multiplier Group field, or click the field's Select Value icon and select a group from the list.
    3. Click Save.
